Our Services
Operational and Strategic Planning
We know that one size does not fit all. We deliver plans that are specific to your operational and strategic needs.
Municipal/Agency Emergency Plans - Strategic organizational plans; we support integrated, comprehensive emergency plans.

Evacuation Plans - Strategic Planning, guidance documentation with decision thresholds, GIS mapping, public readiness & crisis communication guidance.
Departmental Plans - Operational guidelines for organizational departments & functional service provision elements.
Hazard-Specific Plans - We have experienced experts to support hazard-specific plans, annexes and contingency strategies.
Emergency Support Services Plans - We’ll ensure that you have a plan for when your residents need help the most with ESS plans for evacuee reception centres and/or group lodging.
Strategic Planning Facilitation - We facilitate process for development of emergency programs for communities & organizations & collaborative models.
Recovery Planning - Our experienced experts will train your team and/or deploy to directly support your recovery efforts.
Large Event Response Planning – We can support the emergency response planning on large (inter)national events.
Training and Exercises

EOC Training – Whether it’s net new training for staff, or annual refresher training, we can deliver online or in-person.
EOC Exercises – This works best when you have training with it, and we can do a single EOC discussion based tabletop, functional table top, or large multi-EOC functional exercise with a full simulation cell and realistic injects.
ICS Canada Training – we are recognized instructors to the ICS 400 level and beyond in the ICS Canada system. Let us know what you need and we’ll be happy to help out.
Train-the Trainer - SAFER experts can teach your team or guide the training of in-house trainers for your organization.
Reports, Audits and After Action Reviews

EOC & Program Audits - Whether designing a new EOC or seeking an external perspective on your organization’s readiness and response capabilities, we’ll find efficiencies.
After-Action Reports - We offer reviews of your response or exercises, make recommendations and implementation.
Hot Audits – We will come in to your EOC or Recovery Operations Centre and conduct an audit while you are still activated. We will focus on alignment with your action plan and objectives, and identify potential topics for your After Action Review.
Reports & Research - Engage us to conduct surveys, collect & analyse data and provide comprehensive written reports.
Emergency Support Services (ESS)

ESS Plans - We’ll ensure that you have a plan for when your residents need help the most with ESS plans for evacuee reception centres and/or group lodging
ESS Basic Training - We can train your volunteers using the best practices and case studies.
ESS Management Training – Ensure your team leaders can effectively lead your program and manage large reception centres during large evacuations. Enable them to become a host community for others that have evacuated.
ESS Program Strategic Planning & Program Development - We will help you design and develop your ESS program..
Risk and Business Continuity

Hazard, Risk & Vulnerability Assessment - Agency or jurisdictional HRVA with an emphasis on populations, critical infrastructure, natural values, and traditionally and historically important sites.
Business Continuity Plans - Organizational, departmental and/or functional continuity of operations plans developed with consideration to integration with other plans.
Response and Recovery Support

EOC Support – Through our extended Associate network, we can provide experienced people to fill key operational roles in your EOC to help get you started and/or provide necessary relief for much needed staff rest days.
EOC Mentorship
Initial Response Support
Initial Recovery Operations Planning
Facility and Technology Assessments

EOC Facility Assessment – Whether you are just looking to upgrade some of your EOC tools, or you’re going all in on a new EOC, we can help identify what that needs to look like for you.
EOC Technology Assessment – We can take a good look at your current EOC technology and recommend efficiencies within what you currently use, and help you identify cost effective tools to help modernize your EOC.